Essence Cycle
Images of movements three and four of a five movement dance work inspired by ruminations on the classical elements of air, fire, earth, water, and aether.
Concept by Dayton and Karen Castleman
Choreography Dayton Castleman, Karen Castleman, and Kevin Shannon
Directed by Dayton and Karen Castleman
Performed by Karen Castleman (Earth, Water) and Kevin Shannon (Water)
Sound Mixing by Dayton Castleman
Lighting by Jacob Snodgrass
Pandemonium - live ambient recording of Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller's monumental sound installation
What's He Building In There? - Tom Waits
Cuts the Metal Cold - Rachels
The Year of the Horse - Sufjan Stevens
Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten Arvo Part
Performed at Dancechance, Ruth Page Center for the Arts, Chicago, IL
Photos by Vincent Seay